Heating, Cooling and Electrical services for Canberra & Surrounding areas
2020 has been a tough year for Australia and the world, which makes the Christmas and New Year school holiday period even more important this year. People around Australia are holidaying in Australia, which is a beautiful concept, and something we are sure many wouldn’t have considered unless COVID-19 struck. We are very happy with this concept, but we say go one step further and, holiday in your own backyard, aka Canberra. You don’t even need to do the research; we’ve got you covered right here.
How to holiday in Canberra:
Canberra Christmas Market
A 2-day market with over 90 stalls, the markets act as a place people can go to satisfying all of their Christmas needs. The vibe is fabulous for families with carols a plenty and special guest Santa Claus. Find the markets at Exhibition Park in Canberra on the 12 and 13 December.
If the markets are not your thing, head to Belconnen Mall or the Canberra City Centre, not only for your Christmas shopping, but to find some delicious food and other fun things to do.
Get out of Canberra
It’s no secret that usually a Canberran’s favourite thing to do is, leave Canberra. Go for a road trip to the South Coast, it’s only a short 2 hour drive down the road. Our favourite venue for coastal bliss is Ulladulla /Mollymook. The crystal blue ocean at Mollymook beach (and surrounds) is worth the couple of hours in the car. If you prefer to drive and stay, we recommend booking accommodation NOW as it is rare to find accommodation this time of the year as we assume at least 70% of the population at this time of the year is made of Canberran’s and Sydney-siders.
For something a little closer to home and for adventure seekers, head to Burrinjuck Dam, which is about an hour and a half out of town. The family and friends can enjoy a day of water sports, BBQ’s and even stay a night or two (if availability of accommodation permits). It’s a beautiful part of the world, and at Canberra’s doorstep.
New Years
Canberra does not do things by half during New Years. 2021 will still see the infamous street celebration alongside fireworks that are better then you expect. At this stage, the 2021 fireworks display spots and timings have not been confirmed, but history states there will be two sessions (9PM and MIDNIGHT) and the best spots to camp and watch are; Civic Square, Garema Place and Lake Burley Griffin (a number of spots). Personally, we think it’s a smart idea to find a venue near / at one of these spots and pre-book tickets so you can have the best of all worlds. Dinner, drinks and fireworks. There are adult and kid friendly places in Canberra, get Googling and booking.
Don’t forget – while popular opinion of people that have not had the privilege to visit Canberra and Surrounds in summer is that it is cold, we Canberran’s know they are sorely mistaken! The heat is HIGH and DRY and when you are not lucky enough to get to the beach or the dam, you will need relief in the comfort of your home with the air conditioner cranking. If you don’t have air conditioning,
get it! If you do have it, ensure it is
serviced (once a year is the recommended timeline) so you do not have to bare even one second of discomfort in the hot summer days.
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