Heating, Cooling and Electrical services for Canberra & Surrounding areas
When experiencing a summer as we currently are, it is easy to think that Canberra’s scorching weather must be some of the hottest in Australia, ever! Not quite. At the time of publishing this article we can say Canberra has experienced the hottest temperature to be recorded out of all of the country’s capital city’s this year. That’s right! This year on January 4th Canberra’s temperature gauge rose to a whopping 44 degrees Celsius, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the Nation’s Capital. This temperature hit off the back of the horrendous surrounding bush fires and terrible smoke in the air!
At times like these, you really want to have your house in order. Ideally, you will want a home that is efficiently air conditioned, the pest control man has been and removed any unwanted pests & your Netflix account is paid and active.
The last time a record temp was hit in Canberra was in 1968 at the Canberra Airport where we hit 42.2 degrees. The time before this was in 1939 when the weather hit a top of 42.8 degrees Celsius. If ever there was a time to crank the air con and stay inside, the 4th January certainly was the day!
While 44 degrees is high, it doesn’t win the record for hottest temp in Australia. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Australia was on the 2nd January in 1960 at Oodnadatta Airport in South Australia hitting 50.7 degrees. Aye caramba! The second highest ever recorded was in Mardie of Western Australia on the 18th February 1998 where residents saw a high of 50.5 degrees!
Now, while Australia is a dessert and surely considered one of the world’s hottest Countries, are these the biggest numbers we have seen around the world?
No surprises here – the highest temperature ever recorded on the earth is at a lovely little Greenland Ranch in Death Valley in the United States rising the thermometer hit an impressive 56.7 degrees Celsius (134-degree Fahrenheit)! Holy Toledo Batman, even Superman would need to pack his convertible handheld fan! This was is 1913 though (10th July). Death Valley is always a very strong contender when it comes to achieving the hottest temperature in the world, which is linked to how far it sits below sea level, approximately 190ft. This puts our highest temperature in Australia in perspective – oh yes, 50.7 is nothing to turn ones nose up at! That’s HOT!
On the flip side to all of this, can you guess the coldest ever recorded temperature? Minus 89.2 DEGREES CELSIUS! Again, no surprises here, this temp was recorded in Russia at the Russian research station in Vostok, Antarctica. In comparison with our hottest temp, not that long ago either, this was discovered in 1983 (21st July). I’ll take the warmth thank you very much!
So, what is the moral of this story – make sure your air conditioner is in good working order and serviced regularly.
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