Heating, Cooling and Electrical services for Canberra & Surrounding areas
Our reminder that winter is coming in Canberra is when we step into our first autumn month, March. Though, March traditionally is not too bad with the cold days, and the warmth stays around for a little bit. As we enter into April, the cold is already starting to sting. Similarly, to our Christmas tradition of not putting the tree up until the 1st of December (or playing Christmas carols), Canberrans have their own tradition. Do not turn your heater on before Anzac Day (25 April). Personally, I have no qualms with putting the heater on in March as, my comfort is much more important than keeping up with an old Canberra tradition.
This tradition may also be news to some of you, but figures don’t lie. Did you know that gas use can increase anywhere between 25-35% the week after Anzac Day? These figures come from a well-known Canberra energy provider.
Evidence could also suggest this old Canberra folklore has some science behind it. On average our lowest temperatures drop approximately 35% between March and April but drop a whopping 43% from April to May! Lines up perfectly with Anzac Day. Probably an important time to note, currently it is the middle of March, which means we are close to testing out this theory, which reminds us of another old Canberra wives tales, heaters usually turn on when the Raiders start playing in Canberra and they are playing so….
Get your heater serviced so it does not breakdown when you need it most
It is always more cost effective to pay for a small service than have to pay for a major repair or replacement
If you feel your ducted heating doesn’t work like it used to, it probably needs a service and the duct work may need to be checked for leaks
As technology and building standards improve, heating an entire home doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg
Are you thinking about removing your wood heater and replacing it with a more efficient form of heating? There are many different options when it comes to heating, and the solution for your house can be individualised to suit your home, lifestyle and budget.
Before making any large decisions for your home,
call our team. We are the experts when it comes to heating and cooling in Canberra homes.
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